Smart Social Connector: An Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Approach to Foster Social Connectedness in Underserved Senior Populations
Lead PI:
Natalia Villanueva Rosales

Seniors (i.e., adults aged 65+) are the most rapidly growing segment of the U.S. population and have an increased risk of social isolation due to changes in lifestyle and physical health. Social connectedness, which involves establishing, sustaining, and increasing the quality of social relationships, is key to preventing or mitigating social isolation. Technology can foster social connectedness through online services and mobile applications. However, several factors, including lack of technological skills and awareness, accessibility issues, and privacy concerns may limit seniors’ use of technology-enabled services and resources, creating a generational digital divide that may contribute to social isolation. The Smart Social Connector (SSC) project addresses social isolation due to age-related barriers by creating informed strategies for seniors to learn and adopt technology and aligning resources with community needs. As such, this project promotes meaningful social connectedness among seniors that creates a sense of belonging within their community, advancing their health and welfare. Specifically, the SSC project provides a foundation for reconnecting senior residents in El Paso, Texas, a majority-Hispanic bicultural community with a growing senior demographic. This interdisciplinary, collaborative project has the potential to shift attitudes and behaviors toward seniors by restoring their visibility, value, and equitable participation in their community. With the involvement of students who are primarily from underrepresented groups, the SCC project contributes to broadening participation and preparing the next generation of professionals who possess the technical skills and knowledge required to address societal problems, specifically those relevant to senior populations.

In a strategic partnership among The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso Community College, and the City of El Paso, the project is driven by integrative and interdisciplinary research among social sciences (i.e., anthropology and cognitive psychology); computer science; engineering (i.e., systems engineering and civil engineering); and scholarship of engagement (i.e., awareness and education). The SSC goal is to develop and sustain social connectedness of seniors to improve their quality of life through the intersection of technology, community engagement, and social sciences. In collaboration with community stakeholders, this community-based participatory research project has two main objectives: (i) advance knowledge on the systemic and behavioral factors that increase social connectedness and bridge the generational digital divide in seniors; and (ii) increase social and technological connectedness for seniors through Smart City solutions. The research team will utilize a variety of methods and instruments, including assessments of computer self-efficacy and cognitive ability, team-performance measurements, virtual/physical social-network analysis, and user-centered iterative design and testing of Smart City solutions. The SSC will involve the creation of a human and technological infrastructure, including a Living Lab environment, to support service delivery and the iterative development and piloting of Smart City solutions that integrate people, technology, and information. The SSC project will support seniors in strengthening their social connectedness, increasing their technology self-efficacy, and contributing to their community. The outcomes and lessons learned from the SCC project have the potential to be applied in other cities that need to address the generational digital divide to improve seniors’ quality of life.

Natalia Villanueva Rosales
My work aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the discovery, integration, and trust of scientific data and models. My approaches link human and machine knowledge to address societally-relevant problems in areas that require interdisciplinary research and international collaborations such as sustainability of water resources and Smart Cities. In 2011, I obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carleton University (Canada) . I also hold a M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh (UK). I have Bachelors degree in Computer Science from the "Universidad Panamericana Campus Aguascalientes" and a double-major in Statistics from the Center for Mathematics Research (Mexico).
Performance Period: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2024
Institution: University of Texas at El Paso
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1952243
Smart Air: Informing Driver Behavior through Dynamic Sensing and Smart Messaging
Lead PI:
Kerry Kelly

High concentrations of energy use from fossil fuels can lead to poor air quality, resulting in adverse health effects as well as economic consequences. A prime example is found where large numbers of idling vehicles congregate (e.g., schools and hospital drop-off/pick-up zones), leading to microclimates of unhealthy air. Workers, such as valet parking attendants, can spend their entire workday in these microenvironments, and children passing through these zones can experience up to 60% higher levels of pollution than adults, because of their height. These vehicle-caused, poor-air-quality microclimates offer a compelling opportunity for communities to engage with emerging technologies to take ownership of their air and the behaviors that impact its quality. This project sociotechnical approach, called SmartAir, will synergistically integrate dynamic air-quality information with social-norm feedback to positively influence decisions that affect the well-being of vulnerable individuals working in or passing through polluted microenvironments. The feedback approach for decreasing idling mirrors the feedback provided by digital speed displays, which has been shown to positively influence driver behavior (reduced speeding) and thus reduce health-impacts of that behavior (reduced traffic accidents). The proposed pilot demonstrations will take place in Northern Utah, a region that periodically experiences the poorest air quality in the country. The project SmartAir employs a comprehensive community engagement approach — from the development of the sensing and display technologies to cocreation of culturally sensitive messaging, cooperatively conducted pilot studies, and efficacy evaluation.

SmartAir will produce novel technological and behavioral-science developments. First, this project will develop wearable, calibrated, low-cost air quality sensing nodes that will support members of smart and connected communities to minimize pollution exposure. Second, this project will enable the rapid integration of sensor measurements with local meteorological information and data-screening algorithms to dynamically provide feedback to individuals about idling behavior and to workers that seek to minimize pollution exposure. Third, the SmartAir system will be integrated into behavior-change experiments and the co-creation of community-crafted messaging to influence individual choices. Comprehensive involvement of the community partners will be critical to co-develop and pilot solutions to address poor air quality and ultimately ensure a highly scalable and sustainable system. The broader impacts of this work are multifold, including the following. SmartAir will serve as a framework for closing the loop between air quality measurements and individual decision making. It will also help drive institutional decisions that reduce worker pollutant exposure and improve worker performance, career longevity, and job satisfaction. Anonymized data will be made available to support numerous personal and community-driven needs, such as health-effects studies, anti-idling campaigns, school drop-off policies, and urban/traffic planning. Additionally, this project will have a substantial outreach effort that involves community members in message crafting, data collection, and interpretation.

Kerry Kelly
Dr. Kelly is a professional engineer and an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Utah. She has a PhD in Environmental Engineering and a BS in Chemical Engineering. Dr. Kelly is committed to the translation of science to smart community and policy decisions. She served 8 years on Utah’s Air Quality Board and currently serves on the state’s air quality policy board together with state legislators. In 2018, the governor awarded her with the UCAIR air quality person of the year for her service to the state. Her research focuses on understanding the connections between energy, air quality and health. More recently, she has focused on using cost-effective, air-quality sensing to understand local-scale, air quality challenges as well as to empower communities to address their air quality challenges. This work in cost-effective, air quality sensing led to her co-founding a startup company, Tellus Networked Sensor Solutions.
Performance Period: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2024
Institution: University of Utah
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1952008
I4all (Interests for All): A Smart Socio-Technical Infrastructure to Identify, Cultivate, and Sustain Youth STEAM Interests in a Diverse Midsized American City
Lead PI:
Nichole Pinkard

This project is a Smart and Connected Communities award. The community is part of Evanston, Illinois and is composed of the lead partners described below:

- EvanSTEM which is a in-school/out of school time (OST) program to improve access and engagement for students in Evanston who have underperformed or been underrepresented in STEM.

- McGaw YMCA which consists of 12,000 families serving 20,000 individuals and supporting technology and makerspace activities (MetaMedia) in a safe community atmosphere.

- Office of Community Education Partnerships (OCEP) at Northwestern University which provides support for the university and community to collaborate on research, teaching, and service initiatives.

This partnership will develop a new approach to learning engagement through the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) interests of all young people in Evanston. This project is entitled Interests for All (I4All) and builds upon existing research results of the two Principal Investigators (PIs) and previous partnerships between the lead partners (EvanSTEM and MetaMedia had OCEP as a founding partner). I4All also brings together Evanston school districts, OST prividers, the city, and Evanston's Northwestern University as participants.

In particular the project builds on PI Pinkard's Cities of Learning project and co-PI Stevens' FUSE Studios project. Both of these projects have explicit goals to broaden participation in STEAM pursuits, a goal that is significantly advanced through I4All. In this project, I4All infrastructure will be evaluated using quantitative metrics that will tell the researchers whether and to what degree Evanston youth are finding and developing their STEAM interests and whether the I4All infrastructure supports a significantly more equitable distribution of opportunities to youth. The researchers will also conduct in depth qualitative case studies of youth interest development. These longitudinal studies will complement the quantitative metrics of participation and give measures that will be used in informing changes in I4All as part of the PIs Design Based Implementation Research approach. The artifacts produced in I4All include FUSE studio projects, software infrastructure to guide the students through OST and in-school activities and to provide to the students actionable information as to logistics for participation in I4All activities, and data that will be available to all stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness of I4All. Additionally, this research has the potential to provide for scaling this model to different communities, leveraging the OST network in one community to begin to offer professional development more widely throughout the school districts and as an exemplar for other districts. These research results could also affect strategies and policies created by local school officials and community organizations regarding how to work together to create local learning environments to create an ecosystem where formal and informal learning spaces support and reinforce STEAM knowledge.

Nichole Pinkard
Nichole Pinkard is the founder of Digital Youth Network and L3, a social learning platform that connects youth’s learning opportunities across the school, home, community, and beyond. Through collaborations with city agencies Pinkard and DYN’s work has ignited new models for reimagining, visualizing, and documenting learning across spaces through the creation of existence proofs in urban contexts. Pinkard received a 2010 Common Sense Media Award for Outstanding Commitment to Creativity and Youth, the Jan Hawkins Award for Early Career Contributions to Humanistic Research and Scholarship in Learning Technologies, an NSF Early CAREER Fellowship. She earned her bachelor’s in computer science from Stanford University, a master’s in computer science from Northwestern, and her doctorate in learning sciences from Northwestern’s School of Education and Social Policy. Her current scholarly interests include the design and use of pedagogical-based social networks and socio-technical systems to support community-level ecological models of learning.

Hear Pinkard, in her own words, describe the focus of her research over the past 15 years. There is still much work to do as this video captured eight years ago is as true today as then!
Performance Period: 10/01/2018 - 06/30/2022
Institution: Northwestern University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1831685
STEMports: Community Workforce Development through Augmented Reality STEM Learning Experiences
Lead PI:
Susannah Gordon-Messer

This Smart and Connected Community (SCC) project will partner with two rural communities to develop STEMports, an innovative Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learning game for workforce development. The game's activities will take players on localized Augmented Reality (AR) missions to both engage in STEM learning challenges and discover emerging STEM careers in their community, specifically highlighting innovations in the fields of sustainable agriculture and aquaculture, forest products, and renewable energy. Community Advisory Teams (CATs) and co-design teams, including youth, representatives from the targeted emerging STEM economies, and decision-makers will partner with project staff to co-design STEMports that reflect the interests, cultural contexts, and envisioned STEM industries of the future for each community.

The project will: (a) design and pilot an AR game for community STEM workforce development; (b) develop and adapt a community engagement process that optimizes community networking for co-designing the gaming application and online community; and (c) advance a scalable process for wider applications of STEMports. This project is a collaboration between the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance and the Field Day Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to both build and research the co-designing of a SCC based within an AR environment. The project will contribute knowledge to the informal STEM learning, community development, and education technology fields in four major ways:

Deepening the understanding of how innovative technological tools support rural community STEM knowledge building as well as STEM identity and workforce interest.

Identifying design principles for co-designing the STEMports community related to the technological design process.

Developing social network approaches and analytics to better understand the social dimensions and community connections fostered by the STEMport community.

Understanding how participants' online and offline interactions with individuals and experiences builds networks and knowledge within a SCC.

With the scaling of use by an ever-growing community of players, STEMports will provide a new AR-based genre of public participation in STEM and collective decision making. The research findings will add to the emerging literature on community-wide education, innovative education technologies, informal STEM learning (especially place-based learning and STEM ecosystems), and participatory design research.

Project website is:


Susannah Gordon-Messer
Susannah is a STEM Education Specialist with the Maine Math and Science Alliance. Trained as a lab scientist, she transitioned to education when she realized that her true enthusiasm lay in finding ways to teach and excite people about STEM. She is interested in innovative tools and programs that allow participants to engage in authentic experiences and use their creativity as they learn. Prior to MMSA, she worked at the University of Southern Maine as the interim director of the Ci2 Concept Research Lab, a creative projects and innovation space for students, faculty and the community. Before moving to Maine, she was a curriculum and professional development specialist for The Education Arcade at MIT where she worked on The Radix Endeavor, a multiplayer online game tied to math and biology standards. Susannah holds a PhD in Biophysics from Brandeis University and a BS in Biological Engineering from Cornell University.
Performance Period: 10/01/2018 - 12/31/2023
Institution: Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1831427
Socially Informed Services Conflict Governance through Specification, Detection, Resolution and Prevention
Lead PI:
Desheng Zhang

Smart services are deeply embedded in modern cities aiming to enhance various aspects of citizens' lives, including safety, wellness, and quality of life. Examples include intelligent traffic control and air quality control. Given these services, monitoring a city's safety and performance collectively is crucial, yet also challenging due to many potential conflicts among the number increasing of services deployed. Researchers have accumulated abundant knowledge on how to design these services independently. However, underlying expected or unexpected couplings among services due to complex interactions of social and physical activities are under-explored, which leads to potential service conflicts. Developing approaches of reducing conflicts is essential for ensuring social inclusion and equity of city services because when conflicts occur, their impacts are likely to be concentrated in some sub-communities (e.g., specific geographic locations, specific user groups like patients with respiratory illness, etc.) meaning that some citizens will experience lower quality services than others due to the diversity. Put differently, service conflicts contribute to a digital divide in service provision.

The key intellectual merit of the proposed project is the development of a socially aware conflict management theory and its deployment for smart cities, consisting of 5 sequential components as follows. (1) a novel, template-based requirements specification component/tool that integrates social and technical requirements to formally define a conflict; (2) a social diversity aware detection approach that utilizes machine learning and conflict correlations to detect conflicts in practice; (3) a multi-objective yet equity-centric resolution method that accounts for socially acceptable trade-offs, behavioral models, and control theory to resolve existing conflicts; (4) a participant-based conflict prevention solution that employs Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning in a scalable, decentralize fashion to prevent future conflicts; (5) a social intervention approach based on education outreach and professional training to disseminate the proposed technology to empower the community. The real-world implementation of this theory by working with the city partners in Newark NJ will show its effectiveness and broader impacts on a diverse set of stakeholders of conflict management from city operators, to service providers, to average citizens.

Desheng Zhang
Desheng is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Rutgers University and a Visiting Professor at MIT. Previously, Desheng was offered the Senseable City Consortium Postdoctoral Fellowship from MIT, and awarded his Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Minnesota. Desheng is interested in bridging Cyber Physical Systems, Cyber Human Systems, Data Science and Machine Learning in Extreme-Scale Data-Intensive Urban Infrastructure from an Interdisciplinary perspective with extensive applications from transportation, to communication, and sharing economy. He is focused on the life cycle of data-driven systems, from mobile sensing, to cross-domain data fusion and prediction, decision making, visual data analytics, system optimization and deployment. He strategically positions his research on Real-Time Interactions of Cross-Domain Urban Platforms and their human users, i.e., on-demand delivery (e.g., UberEat, Doordash, Instacart) transportation (e.g., taxis, buses, trucks, subways, bikes, personal & electric vehicles), telecommunication (e.g., cellphones), payment (e.g., smartcards), social networks (e.g., check-in and app logs). He has been investigating platforms across 8 cities on 3 continents with 100 thousand app users, 500 thousand vehicles, 10 million phones, 16 million smartcards, and 100 million residents involved. His technical contributions have led to more than 100 papers in premium CS venues, e.g., IMWUT/UbiComp, MobiCom, SIGCOMM, KDD, SenSys, NSDI, ICDE, SIGSPATIAL, IPSN, ICCPS, BigData, RTSS, ICDCS. Desheng has been honored with 8 best paper/thesis/poster awards. During his free time, Desheng likes to travel. Here is a road map about cities he has been visited so far in US. During his free time, Desheng also likes to read non-fiction books. Here is a List of Six Recommended Books for 2020.
Performance Period: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2024
Institution: Rutgers University New Brunswick
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1952096
Video Based Machine Learning for Smart Traffic Analysis and Management
Lead PI:
Sanjay Ranka

The goal of this project is to further the ability of cities and communities to deploy technology that saves lives through safer transportation systems. The approach is to create open source analytics solutions to enable novel transportation applications that utilize data from low-cost video sensors. Video data are processed using edge computing (inexpensive computing hardware that performs analysis without storing significant amounts of data) in order to reduce the amount of data stored. Social dimensions of the research project emerge from the deep research partnership between the City and the University, with the goal to provide replicable and near-term social impacts. The project aligns with the Vision Zero concept to reduce traffic fatalities, with programs that are based on education, enforcement and design. By understanding the risk profile of an intersection through automated detection of near miss events, communities will be able to proactively design and alter streets and intersections to be safer.

The goal of designing a smart city, when addressing the technical challenges at the intersection, street and system levels, has several research components. (i) Development of new algorithms for multi-target tracking: The problems of occlusion, temporal assignment of features to objects and target motion will be jointly formulated. (ii) Integrated optimization and simulation for signal control: We formulate the problem of estimating signal control parameters (offsets, phasing etc.) in a network as one of global optimization. (iii) Real-time reinforcement learning is a natural choice when online machine learning meets real world feedback from the City. Our ability to obtain and analyze continuous-time data at the network level will provide insights on how conflict points and patterns can change through the network. This is expected to impact decisions in traffic management, smart city planning and safety.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Sanjay Ranka
Sanjay Ranka is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at the University of Florida. From 1999-2002, as the Chief Technology Officer at Paramark (Sunnyvale, CA), he developed a real-time optimization service called PILOT for marketing campaigns. PILOT served more than 10 million optimized decisions a day in 2002 with a 99.99% uptime. Paramark was recognized by VentureWire/Technologic Partners as a Top 100 Internet technology company in 2001 and 2002 and was acquired in 2002. Sanjay has also held positions as a tenured faculty member at Syracuse University, academic visitor at IBM and summer researcher at Hitachi America Limited. Research in high-performance computing and big data science is an important avenue for novel discoveries in large-scale applications. The focus of his current research is the development of efficient computational methods and data analysis techniques to model scientific phenomenon, and practical applications of focus are improvements to the quality of healthcare and the reduction of traffic accidents. A core aspiration of his research is to develop novel algorithms and software that make an impact on the application domain, exploiting the interdependence between theory and practice of computer science He has co-authored one book, four monographs, 300+ journals and refereed conference articles. His recent co-authored work has received a best student paper runner-up award at IGARSS 2015, best paper award at BICOB 2014, best student paper award at ACM-BCB 2010, best paper runner-up award at KDD-2009, a nomination for the Robbins Prize for the best paper in the Journal of Physics in Medicine and Biology in 2008, and a best paper award at ICN 2007. He is a fellow of the IEEE and AAAS and a past member of IFIP Committee on System Modeling and Optimization. He won the 2020 Research Impact Award from IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing. He is an associate editor-in-chief of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing and an associate editor for ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Sustainable Computing: Systems and Informatics, Knowledge and Information Systems, and International Journal of Computing. Additionally, he is a book series editor for CRC Press for Bigdata. In the past, he has been an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and IEEE Transactions on Computers. He was a general co-chair for ICDM in 2009, International Green Computing Conference in 2010 and International Green Computing Conference in 2011, a general chair for ACM Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in 2012, and a program chair for the 2013 International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium and 2015 High-Performance Computing Conference. He was a co-general chair for DataCom 2017 and co-program chair for ICMLDS 2017 and 2018. His work has received 12,800+ citations with an h-index of 55 (based on Google Scholar). He has consulted for several startups and Fortune 500 companies.
Performance Period: 05/01/2019 - 04/30/2023
Institution: University of Florida
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1922782
Pathways to Sustainable Success in Smart and Connected Communities
Lead PI:
Glenn Ricart

The National Science Foundation supports a wide variety of valuable technical and social civic innovation through its CIVIC Innovation Challenge and Smart and Connected Communities. While many of these
projects have significant and long-lasting impact in multiple smart and connected communities, others fail to make the translation into sustainable and scalable community best practices. This EAGER will employ a multi-stage process to identify the combinations of factors which underlie successful translation as well as those factors which can be barriers. This EAGER will also explore specific steps, interventions, and resources which can propel more projects to sustainable, scalable, and long-term success. An important part of this research is connecting individual projects with what may be appropriate ideas, approaches,
and resources, and documenting the outcomes. We may discover that some issues we identify really aren’t that important, aren’t attractive to the project teams, or don’t have the intended impact. However,
US Ignite is starting with a strong track record of coaching successful technological and social adoption of smart and connected community practices across more than fifty communities over the past decade.
During the EAGER process, US Ignite will also work closely with the existing Smart and Connected Communities Virtual Organization, the CIVIC Innovation Challenge team, and the NSF S&CC team. The
results of this EAGER will be documented publicly and made available to the wider set of academic partners, community partners, industry partners (including startups), government partners, and the press.
US Ignite will work with the NSF and its Smart and Connected Community and CIVIC Innovation Challenge research projects to pilot pathways to deploy these technology and policy projects into larger-
scale and multi-city sustainable deployments. US Ignite will analyze existing NSF-funded research projects in S&CC and CIVIC to determine suitability for sustainable and successful deployment in multiple communities. Deployment may be accomplished through a number of pathways such as spinning out the technology to a startup (with or without the original investigators), making the technology and/or
data available as open source for others to use, protecting the intellectual property so that it’s valuable to a committed industry partner or industry alliance, through implementation by governments or nonprofits, or other pathways. Some of the pathways will leverage partners already providing these services (e.g., I-CORPS, university tech transfer organizations, and One Million Cups). Ability to positively impact
equity, inclusiveness of diverse populations, community engagement, and civic trust will be important components.

Glenn Ricart
Performance Period: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2024
Institution: US Ignite, Inc.
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2229833
Core Areas: Other
Implementing an Integrated, Wireless Monitoring Network to Enhance Decision Making in Communities Impacted by Environmental and Industrial Change
Lead PI:
Michelle Hummel

Texas coastal communities have historically been exposed to environmental threats from natural and industrial sources. In Ingleside on the Bay (IOB), a small, rural community situated along the shoreline of Corpus Christi Bay, tropical storms and high rates of relative sea-level rise cause extreme and nuisance flooding, while industrial expansion is placing stress on the community’s way of life and the natural resources upon which it relies. Such communities lack the comprehensive data needed to advocate for and make informed decisions about risk reduction strategies to mitigate the impacts of industrial growth and climate change. This proposal engages with the nonprofit Ingleside on the Bay Coastal Watch Association (IOBCWA), community members, and governmental representatives to assess the role of distributed, real-time sensor technology in improving IOB’s capacity to respond to dynamic environmental conditions that affect the quality of its air, water, and land resources. It also examines how emerging community-based nonprofits like IOBCWA engage with diverse organizations in response to new threats and how they can utilize environmental sensing data in planning and advocacy efforts.

This project will leverage interdisciplinary, sociotechnical methods to (1) assess the current structure of communication and information-sharing networks related to environmental threats and mitigation planning in IOB; (2) activate academic-civic partnerships to deploy environmental monitoring sensors to generate a pilot smart grid for comprehensive and timely data collection; (3) develop a preliminary online data visualization dashboard that makes sensor data available in real-time to the community; and (4) assess how the data and dashboard can be utilized by residents and nonprofit organizations to inform sustainable planning and development strategies that address industrial permitting challenges and safeguard community and environmental well-being. To achieve the technical objectives, this project will develop and deploy a pilot sensing network for real-time environmental monitoring, design an online dashboard and data analysis framework to display the collected data in real-time, and beta test the dashboard among a diverse group of residents, community leaders, and local stakeholders. To achieve the social science objectives, this project will apply grounded theory to characterize the evolving role of community-based nonprofits in networking, civic engagement, and policymaking efforts in IOB and identify data needs that can be addressed by leveraging sensor technology to provide a scientific basis for decision-making. Community workshops will provide opportunities to refine the study needs and objectives, obtain feedback on the sensor network and dashboard, and co-develop a vision for future integrative research efforts.

Michelle Hummel
My research focuses on understanding the impacts of natural hazards and climate change on water resources, critical infrastructure, and communities using a combination of physical, statistical, and geospatial modeling tools.
Performance Period: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
Institution: University of Texas at Arlington
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2125234
Exploring STEM Educational Delivery for Youth in Norfolk Juvenile Detention Center
Lead PI:
Sampath Jayarathna

Detained youth are a population that experience disparities in educational opportunities and in particular, have systemically fewer rich opportunities for STEM learning. Access to educational resources and STEM learning for detained youth are critical to position them to have marketable employment skills and potentially contribute to the STEM workforce of the future. Taking lessons from the conditions and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, this project seeks to develop and deliver a Personal Learning Environment for Youth, an educational ecosystem that is accessible to a wide range of detained youth learners and provides individual tailoring based on youth interactions with the system. To develop the system, the project takes input from a multidisciplinary juvenile justice community collaborative working group that examines the existing educational infrastructure, determines challenges and affordances, and provides input into the design and delivery of the personalized learning system. The outcome of this research will be a framework for facilitating STEM learning for detained youth using smart and connected technologies.

The project takes place in the context of the Norfolk Juvenile Detention Center (NJDC). The work pursues a set of research questions that seek to identify the barriers and factors impacting accessibility to STEM learning and educational services, how the pandemic conditions changed those challenges, and anticipates the predicted challenges to delivering a personalized learning STEM education ecosystem. Stakeholders, including the center's academic staff, management, the public school system, and personnel related to juvenile justice, form a focus group engaged in conversation about the current educational ecosystem and the design features that would support stronger STEM learning for a personalized system. Participant responses will be distilled into design principles using grounded theory that will guide the design and development of the personalized learning system. The primary outcome of the research will be a case study that describes the framework for the personalized learning system and the design principles on which it rests.

Sampath Jayarathna
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University in 2016, advised by Frank Shipman. Before that, I earned M.S. degree in Computer Science from Texas State University in 2010, advised by Oleg Komogortsev. My undergraduate degree is a B.S in Computer Science (First Class) from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2006. I joined the faculty at Old Dominion University in 2018. Before that, I was a tenure-track faculty at Cal Poly Pomona (2016-2018). I am a recipient of 2021 NSF CAREER award. My research interests lie in the use and development of data science, information retrieval and machine learning techniques for effective and efficient adaptive information access. I leverage cross-disciplinary approaches to capture user intent dynamically during information-seeking behaviors and contribute to the fundamental understanding of human-information interaction by looking at how people locate and use information. I enjoy connecting the dots between disciplines and explore computational techniques to build user models from large-scale user interaction data. In addition, I apply methods in areas ranging from perception, cognition and psycho-physiological measurements (e.g., EEG, eye tracking, and wearable devices) by probing the thoughts of people conducting searches, simulating presumed cognitive functions with computational algorithms and observing information behavior in everyday tasks.
Performance Period: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2024
Institution: Old Dominion University Research Foundation
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2125395
Revitalizing Rural - Equipping Rural Communities with Technology Literacy for Seizing Productivity
Lead PI:
John O'Hara

Lack of participation in the digital economy is an impediment to societal well-being and production which asymmetrically affects rural communities. The literature indicates that technological availability (e.g., broadband) is only a part of the problem: rural communities are not as active as their urban counterparts in technology adoption. The adoption problem covers the extent to which rural communities have the financial resources and awareness, skills, and aspirations (or collectively, the literacy) to seize the productivity opportunities afforded by smart and connected technologies (SCT). This planning project will conduct a pilot study to determine how improved technology literacy can impact the rural adoption of SCT for building productivity to economically and socially revitalize rural communities. Specifically, this project will explore the development of a novel educational tool for technology literacy called Productivity Enhancing Technology Experience-Kits (Pete-Kits). Pete-Kits will be combinations of low-cost devices such as microprocessors and sensors that make use of communications technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth, and Radio Frequency ID (RFID), and which can be combined with cloud connectivity to support high school students as they develop entrepreneurial SCT projects within their rural communities. These kits will be developed with input from high school students and community members. High school teachers and students will receive training on how to use the kits, and students will then be invited to develop their own SCT entrepreneurial projects which will be judged in a final community competition event.

The research will examine: (1) how rural awareness of SCT is influenced by hands-on experiences with Pete-Kits, (2) to what degree are the basic skills for using SCT increased through interactions with Pete-Kit, and (3) the effects are of Pete-Kit based training and competition on rural participants’ productivity, and their aspirations for entrepreneurship, remote work, and quality of life within their community. These questions will largely be addressed via survey instruments, administered both before and after the intervention, to both participants and to attendees of community events. Community forums and workshops will also be held to review the strengths and weaknesses of the Pete-Kit program, and to develop relationships with other communities and tribal nations for future scalability. This planning project aligns well with the Smart & Connected Communities program’s goal to accelerate the creation of the scientific and engineering foundations that will enable smart and connected communities to bring about new levels of economic opportunity and growth. This project is also receiving funding from the ITEST program, which has priorities for (1) increasing awareness of STEM & ICT occupations, (2) motivating students to pursue educational pathways to those occupations, and (3) developing disciplinary content knowledge and skills necessary for entering those occupations.

John O'Hara
John O'Hara received his BS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1998 and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Oklahoma State University (OSU) in 2003. He was a Director of Central Intelligence Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) until 2006. From 2006-2011 he was a staff scientist with the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies at LANL and work on numerous metamaterial projects involving dynamic control over chirality, resonance frequency, polarization, and modulation of terahertz waves. In 2011, he founded a consulting/research company, Wavetech, LLC, specializing in automation and IoT devices. In 2017 he joined OSU as an assistant professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His current research involves terahertz wireless communications, terahertz sensing and imaging with metamaterials, IoT, light-based sensing and communications, and rural outreach and renewal. H has 4 patents and about 100 publications in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
Performance Period: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2023
Institution: Oklahoma State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2125393
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