Algorithms and Heuristics for Remote Food Delivery under Social Distancing Constraints
Lead PI:
Stephen F. Smith

This goal of this project is to optimize processes for remote delivery of meals to persons in need. The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally disrupted processes of food delivery to economically depressed and vulnerable segments of the US population. With the closing of schools and the advent of social distancing practices, over 13 million low-income students who have historically relied on their school to provide daily meals are now without important nutritional support, and centralized school summer meal distribution programs are no longer viable. Similarly, low-income adults and seniors that depend on centralized distribution of meals at shelters and food banks are now being forced to cope with virus mitigation procedures that severely limit their access. Both short and long term solutions to food security for all in this new normal depend on greater reliance on remote food delivery, and although vehicle routing and pickup/delivery problems have been studied for close to 50 years, the constraints imposed by contemporary public health and social distancing concerns present new optimization challenges. This research will contribute new problem formulations and solutions to these important classes of remote food delivery problems, and through existing relationships with the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Southwestern Pennsylvania United Way, Allies for Children and the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank, the project will apply research results to inform their ongoing pilot food delivery efforts. More broadly, these results will stimulate future research on these problems and influence remote food delivery problems nationwide.

To realize these results and impact, this project aims to develop new algorithms and heuristics that address the unique constraints and objectives presented by these geographically-dispersed food delivery problems, to provide a theoretical basis for more efficient operational practice. With respect to school bus student meal delivery, algorithms and heuristics for solving several problems will be developed and analyzed. First, the project will consider the coupled problem of assigning stops to students requiring meals and generating efficient routes to accommodate these students within a global meal time window, while enforcing social distance constraints on number of students that can be assigned to any one bus stop. Second, the research will investigate an extended formulation that additionally allows the use of smaller passenger vehicles or vans, to better service students that have difficult access to bus stops and/or long walk times. To ensure relevance, the project will utilize demand and bus route data from selected school districts in Allegheny County, PA to evaluate performance. Finally, with respect to remote distribution of food to low-income seniors, the algorithms and heuristics developed for student meal delivery will be extended and adapted to this more capacity constrained setting, where food must be moved exclusively in smaller volunteer passenger vehicles. Data obtained from the Greater Food Bank of Pittsburgh will be used to evaluate these extended research results. All data sets used and solutions results obtained will be made available to stimulate future research in this area.

Stephen F. Smith
My research interests are in artificial intelligence, primarily in the areas of constraint-based search and optimization, automated planning and scheduling, configurable and adaptive problem solving systems, multi-agent and multi-robot coordination, mixed-initiative decision-making, and naturally inspired search procedures. One integrating focus has been the development of core technologies for coordination and control of large-scale, multi-actor systems, and their application to domains spanning transportation, manufacturing, logistics, mission planning, and energy systems.
Performance Period: 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021
Institution: Carnegie-Mellon University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2032262
Using Data to Understand the Effects of Transportation on the Spread of COVID-19 as a Propagator and a Control Mechanism
Lead PI:
Philip Paré

The spread of COVID-19 has broad implications both for human health and economies around the world. This Smart and Connected Communities project will monitor the spread of COVID-19 by collecting real-time information on active COVID-19 cases, understand how transportation has driven the spread of the virus, and quantify how travel restrictions have limited the spread of the virus. The data collection will gather and store real-time information on the spread of COVID-19 and a timeline of travel restrictions for three sets of communities. This data will then be employed to model how the virus propagates between communities via transportation using various network-dependent epidemic models. Finally, using the collected data and the calibrated epidemic models, analysis will be conducted to understand how effective the different modifications of the transportation network structure, such as travel restrictions in each set of communities, are at slowing the spread of COVID-19, while factoring in the economic effects. Understanding how the transportation network between communities acts as a propagator of the virus, and how control actions taken by local and national governments to limit or block travel within and between regions slow the spread of the virus will provide the framework for the development of mitigation strategies for the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other possible outbreaks in the future. These strategies will limit the loss of human life and reduce the economic impacts of the virus. The methods developed as a result of this work will also be beneficial in the future for battling subsequent outbreaks.

This project will apply network modeling techniques to understand how different control actions on the transportation network influence the spread of the virus between communities. The understanding gained herein will inform decision makers during this and future outbreaks as to which transportation-related mitigation strategies are best to use in different situations and at what point in the outbreak to use them in order to minimize both the spread of virus as well as the economic impact. The research will draw on and contribute to wide-ranging and fundamental results in statistical data analysis, mathematical modeling and analysis of epidemic processes, mathematical programming, network analysis, and control theory. The resulting study of problems will contribute to advancement of mathematical modeling and analysis of infectious diseases, and mitigation optimization algorithms and heuristics.

Philip Paré
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
Performance Period: 07/15/2020 - 06/30/2022
Institution: Purdue University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2028738
Distributed Data-Sharing for Fast Response and Decision Support
Lead PI:
N. Rich Nguyen

The vision of a smart city is underpinned by its ability to collect, manage, and use data. However, data access remains a fundamental challenge across city agencies, public institutions, and community stakeholders. This project is championing a paradigm shift in data sharing by implementing a new data access framework that allows users to share access to data in-situ instead of sending copies of data around. This project builds on the new data access paradigm to deploy a city Data Access Network (City-DAN) to support city managers get timely access to important data for fast decision and response. City-DAN is piloted first in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and then scaled to other ASEAN cities. This activity is in response to NSF Dear Colleague Letter Supporting Transition of Research into Cities through the US ASEAN ((Association of Southeast Asian Nations Cities) Smart Cities Partnership in collaboration with NSF and the US State Department. The research team (University of Virginia) is working closely with stakeholders in Ho Chi Minh City including city managers, departments, and community organizers as well as Vietnam National University – International University to transition technology into practice.

The proposed distributed, peer-to-peer data access framework represents an ambitious vision of the next generation data ecosystem. This project establishes a foundational data platform to underpin smart cities by addressing issues of data integrity, provenance, control, and timely access. This project takes advantage of the unique deployment opportunity to pursue a vibrant research agenda on grid computing. Specific research areas include advanced cyber infrastructure, cybersecurity, networking, and persistent identifiers. This project will especially focus on identity and access management (IAM) in the context of unreliable infrastructure and weak level-of-assurance (identify proofing) baselines. The project will examine new approaches for enhancing reliability while balancing with transparency and QoS. Lessons learned also can be adopted to advance the smart and connected community research community in the US and other countries.

N. Rich Nguyen
Rich Nguyen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research has been dedicated to biomedical image analysis, computing education, and machine learning funded by several generous institutional and federal grants. He has authored and co-authored 20 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers in biomedical image analysis, computer vision, machine learning, and computer science education with 165+ citations on Google Scholar. He has taught machine learning courses in the Computer Science Department for seven semesters. While earning a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte, he worked as a career manager to help students connect to over 50 companies including several from Fortune 500. Rich has also taught various courses in machine learning, introduction to algorithms, and computing professional seminars to a total of 1,458 computer science students over five years. In 2019, he was selected as a recipient of the Google Faculty Award for Machine Learning Education.
Performance Period: 07/15/2020 - 06/30/2024
Institution: University of Virginia Main Campus
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2026050
Core Areas: International
Crowd-AI Sensing Based Traffic Analysis for Ho Chi Minh City Planning Simulation
Lead PI:
Tam Nguyen

This activity is in response to NSF Dear Colleague Letter Supporting Transition of Research into Cities through the US ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations Cities) Smart Cities Partnership in collaboration with NSF and the US State Department. Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), an ASEAN city in Vietnam, is well-known for its traffic congestion and high density of vehicles, cars, buses, trucks, and a swarm of motorbikes (7.3 million motorbikes for more than 8.4 million residents) that overwhelm city streets. Large-scale development projects have exacerbated urban conditions, making traffic congestion more severe. Additionally, traffic congestion is one of the leading contributors to noise and dust pollution in the city. Altogether, traffic congestion poses major barriers to urban quality of life, but the solutions are complex. There are two main problems with traffic in HCMC. First, HCMC, like other dense urban areas, needs significant financial and technical resources to solve its traffic and infrastructure problems. Second, given that traffic monitoring is carried out by a limited number of staff who watch traffic activities from thousands of camera feeds on multiple screens, there are limits to the number and effectiveness of responses that personnel are able to offer in response to real-time traffic problems.

The goal of this project is to use visual crowd AI sensing for the HCMC planning simulator. The project will make use of the city camera system (crowd-AI sensing) for traffic analysis in real-time. It seeks to detect “anomaly events” such as traffic violations, traffic jams, and accidents, with reduced intervention from monitoring staff, allowing staff, in turn, to better respond to traffic problems as they arise. A city planning simulator will be developed upon the analyzed traffic data. The simulator will be used to support metropolitan transportation planning. Project findings will not only address specific urban challenges and the innovative technical solutions needed to solve them in HCMC, but also will provide models use in other contexts, including U.S. cities where traffic, congestion, and urban infrastructure challenges can benefit from AI.

The project will be validated by professionals in HCMC who can evaluate its effectiveness for detecting anomaly events with reduced human observation, who are better able to respond to traffic problems as a result of implementing aspects of the project, and who can make use of the project data for traffic analysis.

Tam Nguyen
Dr. Tam Nguyen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Dayton. His research topics include artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning and multimedia content analysis. He has authored and co-authored 100+ research papers with 2,200+ citations. His works have been published in prestigious journals, i.e., International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (T-NNLS), IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (T-MM), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT), Neurocomputing (NEUCOM), Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CACIE), Journal of Virtual Reality, ACM Computing Surveys, and ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM). He's also published his research work in the top-tier conferences such as International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), ACM Multimedia (ACM MM) and International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR).
Performance Period: 08/01/2020 - 07/31/2024
Institution: University of Dayton
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2025234
Core Areas: International
Responding to COVID-19 using High-speed Mesh Wireless Community Internet
Lead PI:
Foad Hamidi

This project responds to COVID-19 by investigating an effective and efficient community-based approach in Baltimore City, Maryland to deploying free, broadband Internet and creating trusted open-access online education, career, and communication resources for low-income populations in the face of large-scale emergencies. This approach builds on existing research on the importance of equitable broadband Internet access and the potential of community-based solutions to bridging the digital divide. Project findings will inform the creation and use of community-led approaches to meet the technical and informational needs of vulnerable populations during and immediately following times of crisis. Specifically, it will research the creation of a trusted technical infrastructure that leverages local partnerships to provide free or low-cost Internet to communities. It will also inform how to maximize the potential of Internet connectivity to maintain continuity of education and employment activities and reduce social isolation among low-income populations.

This project will create a Community Wireless Networks (CWNs) through the deployment in Baltimore City, Maryland of a series of Point-to-Point (PtP) and Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP) connections over the 5GHz spectrum. These Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radios mounted on Points of Presence (PoP) at partner sites will provide free and secure, high throughput links to families in need. As this access is created, the project will then curate and provide support resources to facilitate the continuity of education, the expansion of teleworking career opportunities, and virtual socialization methods. The impact of these interventions will be studied through pre- and post-intervention surveys as well as remote interviews with stakeholders to evaluate the impact of having free high-bandwidth Internet on low-income families’ access to online educational, employment, and social resources both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, at the conclusion of the project participating families and community partners will offer reflections and suggestions for the future implementation of similar projects in a community focus group. Project findings seek to further inform how to meet the informational needs of vulnerable populations using a grass-roots, community-based, technology-access approach during and immediately following times of crisis. This project is highly relevant to Smart and Connected Communities program as it demonstrates tight integration of social and technology research and strong community engagement will be able to have significant impact improving quality of life in vulnerable communities in this and potentially other crises.

Foad Hamidi
I am an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). My research is focused on the participatory design and evaluation of emerging systems, including digital living media systems and adaptive systems, for different users including children and adults with and without disabilities. I am also interested in designing inclusive and sustainable maker processes, tools and programs for diverse communities. Prior to my current appointment, I was a Research Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral Research Associate at UMBC working with Dr. Amy Hurst in the prototyping and design lab. I have a PhD in Computer Science from the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University in Toronto, Canada.
Performance Period: 06/01/2020 - 05/31/2022
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2030451
Addressing Transit Accessibility and Public Health Challenges due to COVID-19
Lead PI:
Abhishek Dubey

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only disrupted the lives of millions but also created exigent operational and scheduling challenges for public transit agencies. Agencies are struggling to maintain transit accessibility with reduced resources, changing ridership patterns, vehicle capacity constraints due to social distancing, and reduced services due to driver unavailability. A number of transit agencies have also begun to help the local food banks deliver food to shelters, which further strains the available resources if not planned optimally. At the same time, the lack of situational information is creating a challenge for riders who need to understand what seating is available on the vehicles to ensure sufficient distancing. In partnership with the transit agencies of Chattanooga, TN, and Nashville, TN, the proposed research will rapidly develop integrated transit operational optimization algorithms, which will provide proactive scheduling and allocation of vehicles to transit and cargo trips, considering exigent vehicle maintenance requirements (i.e., disinfection). A key component of the research is the design of privacy-preserving camera-based ridership detection methods that can help provide commuters with real-time information on available seats considering social-distancing constraints. The datasets and algorithms developed through this program will be swiftly released to the research community in order to encourage a wider collaborative effort that will help other transit agencies that face similar challenges.

The intellectual merit of the proposed research lies in the design and evaluation of integrated operational optimization for both fixed-line and on-demand transit (including paratransit) under atypical capacity constraints, which requires maximizing transit access but minimizing contact. The challenge for optimization is the uncertainties that arise due to the atypical travel time and travel demand distribution, both of which need to be learned online again due to the changed scenarios. While it is possible to optimize these transit modes separately as prior work has done, integrated optimization can lead to significantly better results. However, this is difficult as the solution space of these problems is very large. The approach is based on rapidly composing and comparing the effectiveness of principled decision-theoretic approaches such as Monte Carlo tree search, optimal trip assignments using integer programming and problem-specific heuristics, and demand aggregation for on-demand transit. To develop a model for varying travel demand, the research uses novel neural network architectures to estimate usage and seating patterns in real-time from cameras that are already installed within transit vehicles. This will enable transit agencies to obtain travel demand even when they are running fare-free operations to minimize contact with drivers. Working with partner transit agencies, the researchers will be able to make the services more accessible for the community during these challenging times. This project directly relates to Smart and Connected Communities program as it demonstrates the importance of integration of technical and social research with strong community engagement in improving resilience of transit systems due to pandemics and other crises.

Abhishek Dubey
Prof. Dubey’s research interests are in the field of artificial intelligence and distributed computing for cyber-physical systems, and smart and connected communities. The fundamental contribution of his work lies in the co-design of resilient computational abstractions and the online learning algorithms and decision procedures for cyber-physical systems. He directs the SCOPE lab (Smart and resilient Computing for Physical Environment) at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems. The impact of his work can be seen with his partnerships in building transformation systems for the Nashville fire department, Nashville transit agency, Chattanooga Transit Agency, and the Tennessee Department of Transportation. Some of his key research results include the design of hierarchical decision procedures for responding to motor vehicle crashes, the design of energy-efficient transit operation procedures, and the design of transactive energy systems. Some of his recent publications can be obtained from his lab’s publication page. His work has been funded by NSF, NASA, DOE, ARPA-E. AFRL, DARPA, Siemens, Cisco, and IBM. Abhishek completed his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Vanderbilt University in 2009. He received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Vanderbilt University in August 2005 and completed his undergraduate studies in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, India in May 2001.
Performance Period: 06/01/2020 - 12/31/2021
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2029950
Consumer Responses to Household Provisioning During COVID-19 Crisis and Recovery
Lead PI:
Kelly Clifton

Early evidence suggests that the COVID-19 crisis is accelerating the rate of adoption of e-commerce with more people ordering online and using delivery services to meet their needs. The embrace of e-commerce and delivery during the crisis and recovery are likely uneven, as opportunities and barriers to accessing transportation, local retailers, online technologies, and delivery services vary across the population. This study will collect critical and time-sensitive information to evaluate the extent to which people modify their shopping behavior during the pandemic and the lasting effects of technological adoption during recovery and beyond. It will reveal important trends in consumer behaviors and gaps in access that can aid planners in preparation for ongoing recovery and future emergencies. Findings will promote the health and well-being of the community by identifying opportunities to meet household needs while minimizing risk.

Using a representative sampling frame for three states, this project will survey consumers in a repeated cross-sectional online survey over the next year to understand how their shopping strategies have changed, their use of online retailing and delivery services, and their challenges in accessing food and household goods. This project will also collaborate with delivery platform firms with the goal of being able to marry trend data and information about the demand for their services before the crisis, during it, and in the recovery phase. Together, these novel and timely data will be used to examine trends in online and in-store household provisioning, identify barriers to shopping, and develop models of technology adoption. This project is highly relevant to the Smart and Connected Communities program at NSF as it explores the impact of shocks such as pandemics on communities and strongly integrates technical and social dimensions. Research results from this proposal will help better inform communities of behavioral changes in crises and potentially develop resilient controls.

Kelly Clifton
Dr. Clifton serves as the interim Associate Vice President for Research at Portland State University, and as a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Portland State University. She holds an affiliate appointment in the Urban Studies and Planning Program and is a fellow in the Institute for Sustainable Solutions. Her research, teaching and service activities are focused on transportation and how human mobility is shaped by their needs, the built environment, and technology. She is an internationally recognized expert on transport and land use interactions, travel behavior, pedestrian modeling, and equity in transportation policy. She bridges the fields of transportation engineering and planning and is known for qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches.
Performance Period: 06/01/2020 - 03/31/2022
Institution: Portland State University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2030205
Socially-integrated Technological Solutions for Real-time Response and Neighborhood Survival After Extreme Events
Lead PI:
Cynthia Chen

Situated on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean, the US Pacific Northwest Region and Japan face significant earthquake risks from similar geophysical conditions. The Pacific Northwest is considered overdue for a Cascadia Subduction Zone 8.0–9.2 magnitude megaquake. When it happens, the estimated direct fatalities for Oregon and Washington states are up to 10,000, with economic losses of more than $80 billion. For the comparably sized region of Japan facing a Nankai megathrust earthquake, estimated fatalities are 80,000–323,000 lives and about $900 billion in economic loss. In the immediate aftermath of a megaquake, most of the disaster response agencies and personnel, if not all, will be overwhelmed and many neighborhoods in the region will need to rely on themselves to maintain essential activities for a prolonged period. To support these essential activities, communications will need to be robust enough to function under highly uncertain circumstances, and to enable real-time and reliable information sharing for efficient resource allocation and matching. This proposal represents the US portion of a planning grant for a collaboration with researchers from multiple Japanese Universities as part of the NSF/JST collaboration for the Smart and Connected Community Program.

This planning grant builds the capacity of a partnership of engineers and planners on both sides of the Pacific Ocean (Seattle area and Japan) to developing these critically needed communications and information-sharing technologies. The joint team will partner with three communities in Washington State and the city of Nagoya in Japan, to ensure that initial technical prototype ideas have real, place-specific relevance and applicability. Focus groups and community workshops will identify specific community needs, values, resources and concerns, and provide a feedback loop for evaluating the prototypes. It is expected that by working with these communities, the technological tools to be developed will be socially integrated, not only helping communities to address the critical need to prepare for a possible mega-earthquake but also to enhance resilience in the face of a wide range of life uncertainties and disruptions, and to improve communities’ daily quality of life.

Cynthia Chen
Bio: Cynthia Chen is a professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington (Seattle). She is an internationally renowned scholar in transportation science and directs the THINK (Transportation-Human Interaction and Network Knowledge) lab at the UW. Cynthia has published numerous peer-reviewed publications in leading journals in transportation and systems engineering including Transportation Research Part A-F and PNAS. Her research has been supported by many federal and state agencies. She is an associate director of TOMNET (Center for Teaching Old Models New Tricks), a USDOT-funded Tier 1 University Transportation Center led by ASU, as well as a co-investigator of the new Center of Understanding Future Travel Behavior and Demand, a USDOT-funded national center led by UT Austin. Currently, Cynthia is an associate editor for Transportation Science, and is on the editorial board of Sustainability Analytics and Modeling.
Performance Period: 06/01/2020 - 05/31/2022
Institution: University of Washington
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1951418
Sustainable Energy Bike Lanes with Applications in the City of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Lead PI:

This activity is in response to NSF Dear Colleague Letter Supporting Transition of Research into Cities through the US ASEAN ((Association of Southeast Asian Nations Cities) Smart Cities Partnership in collaboration with NSF and the US State Department. Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) will be partnering with University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) at Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, to develop renewable energy sources for bike lanes in KL. Kuala Lumpur is the largest city in Malaysia, and it is home to approximately 1.808 million people. The city has an 11 km long dedicated bicycle lane to reduce traffic congestion. The partnership between PVAMU and UNITEN will accelerate innovation in bike lane energy technologies. The vision of the project is to develop composite power generating cells that will generate power when bikes are ridden on the power generating cells. The energy will be harvested from composite power generating cells and will be laid on the bike lanes. The harvested energy will be used for emergency lamps along the bikeways to give more safety to the bikers or provide electric power for electronic signs installed alongside the bikeways. In addition, the harvested energy will be used for charging gadgets and provide purified water for bikers or pedestrians. The multi-sourced energy system will have applications in supplying power for (i) rainwater purification through reverse osmosis systems, (ii) emergency lights, and (iii) charging stations in the bike lanes in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The system will be initially tested at PVAMU and will then be integrated with UNITEN and piloted in Kuala Lumpur. The project will have a huge impact on the green lifestyle of the people at Kuala Lumpur. Moreover, the research matured in this project may be suitable for use in other ASEAN cities as well as many cities and towns in the United States to provide renewable energy sources for their bike lanes.

The main goals of the project are: (i) develop a composite power generating cells that generate power under pressure, (ii) design charge collection electronic circuits to store the generated power, (iii) fabricate an integrated pad system with power generating cells, charge collection circuits, battery storage, and paint, (iv) install and test the integrated pad system at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The activity will leverage research at Prairie View A&M and UNITEN. To enable the use in bike lanes, thin-film PZT cells with optimized thickness will be developed. The energy and thickness of the film will be determined for each type of nanomaterial of the PZT cell. Experiments will be conducted to determine cells’ edge-to-edge distances, total energy output, the thickness of the PZT, and time responses of energy accumulation. A microcontroller-based energy monitoring system will manage the energy production and consumption for mobile charging applications. The cells will be configured with a matrix of paint strips on bike lanes. In addition to the composite power generating cells, solar panels will be combined in various places throughout the bike lanes to the energy-collection-rail, thus creating the sustainable multi-sourced energy system for the bike lanes. Various experiments will be performed to optimize the energy process from the bike lane. The design will be tested at PVAMU and then integrated into a bike lane infrastructure in Kuala Lumpur. The PVAMU and UNITEN team will be collaborating with city planning personnel to validate the concept and support evaluation as part of KL smart city activities.

Shuza Binzaid, Ph.D. is very adaptive and flexible to make changes as necessary in the workplace and willing to set priority in the job position. Possess excellent communication skills that also include written, oral, and visual media. Keen on logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the targeted solutions. Appropriate knowledge to translate theory and practice in the focused discipline. Experienced in principles, methods, and knowledge of measurements. Very willing to take on responsibilities, leadership, directions, and challenges for monitoring process of the innovative technologies. About 20 years of experience in various projects for leading and supervising very innovative teams of engineers at professional, academic graduate, and undergraduate levels. More than 14 years of experience in various fields of energy effects, energy conservation, and renewable energy engineering projects. Shuza taught a few engineering required and major courses of undergraduate and combined graduate levels in 4 universities in the last 10 years in Power Electronics, Energy Conversions, Electric Machines, Semiconductor, etc. As an academician and expert in microelectronics, having a depth of knowledge in VLSI for 2D and 3D CAD with simulation and analysis using PSpice, Cadence, MatLab, and Sentaurus/Synopsys. Also experienced in the systems-level design of sensor and sensing modules, computational modeling, programming microcontrollers, energy conversion process, and interface design for advanced electronic applications. Honored as The Fellow of The Pavan Educational Trust, India, Fellowship # FLSL/2013/76, Date: 03/15/2013. Received recognition of Excellent Research and Teaching certificate from both the senator and the US Governor of Texas in 2017. Received certificate of top-quality research from NSF in 2017. Proved quality of leadership towards identifying problems, resolving critical challenges, finding an unconventional workaround, and thus bringing practical applications for today’s demanding fields of energy engineering, where some of them also yielded novel ideas, highly innovative, and considered for 14 patentable technologies. One of the patents in energy conservation technology is being commercialized by a startup company Oxion Inc. in California, USA. More than 75 research topics have been published and 11 news coverage was made for making significant technological advancements. Strong vision and ability to advance technologies in various engineering fields.
Performance Period: 06/15/2020 - 07/31/2024
Institution: Prairie View A & M University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 2025641
Core Areas: International
Sustainable Food Access through Sensing, Data Analytics, and Community Engagement
Lead PI:
Sherif Abdelwahed

Food deserts, generally defined as areas in which it is difficult to buy an affordable, high-quality fresh food, are not exclusive to urban or rural areas, but more indicative of under-served communities, low-income households, and minority neighborhoods. Food deserts are not only a health issue but also a community development and equity issue. Access to safe and nutritious food is a fundamental individual right. This project aims to address the food desert problem in Greater Richmond area, by engaging a wide range of food access-related stakeholders and utilizing the power of data analytics and advanced smart technologies to achieve sustainable food access program, leading to higher levels of quality of life and health for the city citizens.

Utilizing smart technologies to improve food access for a large segment of the community is not a straightforward task. There are many questions to be answered in order to realize the potential of these technologies, including: (1) what are the data needed to better understand and help address the food desert problem. (2) What are the social and economic impacts of food deserts? (3) What are the main factors contributing to limited food access in certain geographical areas? (4) What are the technologies and cyber-infrastructure that can help address the food access problem? (5) How to encourage micro-businesses to help tackle limited food accessibility? (6) How to present food desert data efficiently to help in decision-making?

This planning project will assemble a core group of scientists in engineering, life sciences, social work and government policy colleges to engage with community leaders and stakeholders, to identify through both quantitative and qualitative assessment the key challenges to sustainable food access in Richmond and its adjoining communities, and create the knowledge and tools for community-based sustainable food access program. This will be achieved by (1) developing a fundamental understanding of challenges facing communities due to food desert problem, (2) developing a better understanding of the factors contributing to food access problem, (3) recognizing various types of data collection in communities for addressing food access challenge, (4) deriving data-analytics techniques that can help identify effective solutions and evaluate their impacts, and (5) facilitate customized sensing, data-management, cyber-infrastructure and smart technologies solutions to develop a robust program for sustainable food access. The proposed plan will offer a research and development model that can be extended to other cities and communities.

Sherif Abdelwahed
Abdelwahed is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), where he teaches and conducts research in the area of computer engineering, with specific interests in autonomic computing, cyber-physical systems, formal verification and cyber-security. Before joining VCU in August 2017, he served as the associate director of the Distributed Analytics and Security Institute at Mississippi State University (MSU). He was also an Associate Professor in the ECE Department at MSU. Prior to joining Mississippi State University, he was a research assistant professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and senior research scientist at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University, from 2001-2007. From 2000-2001, he worked as a research scientist with the system diagnosis group at the Rockwell Scientific Company
Performance Period: 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021
Institution: Virginia Commonwealth University
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Award Number: 1952169
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