SIRTEM.pdf (1.46 MB)
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COVID-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. To minimize
casualties and the impact on the economy, various mitigation measures have being employed with the purpose to slow the
spread of the infection, such as complete lockdown, social distancing, and random testing. The key contribution of this paper
is twofolds. Firstly, we present a novel extended spatially-informed epidemic model, SIRTEM, Spatially Informed Rapid Testing
for Epidemic Modeling and Response to Covid-19, that integrates a multi-modal testing strategy considering test accuracies.
Our second contribution is an optimization model to provide a cost-efective testing strategy when multiple test types are
available. The developed optimization model incorporates realistic spatially based constraints, such as testing capacity and
hospital bed limitation as well.