Virginia Smith
Villanova University
Virginia Smith

Dr. Smith is a Civil Engineer, whose projects have focused on urban sediment transport dynamics, sustainable stormwater management, and applying data management and artificial intelligence to water resource engineering challenges. Dr. Smith has overseen and worked on numerous water and natural resource projects across the US and around the world, including projects in Asia, Africa, the South Pacific, and Afghanistan. She has leveraged her experiences in her research focusing on rivers, floodplains, stormwater, and flooding dynamics, particularly in urban settings. Dr. Smith is an Associate Professor of Water Resources in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. She received her PhD studying hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, and sediment transport at the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at Austin (UT). Prior to earning her PhD Dr. Smith she received a master’s degree in civil engineering from UT and her BS from Georgia Institute of Technology in civil and environmental engineering.