Desheng Zhang
Rutgers University
Desheng Zhang

Desheng is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Rutgers University and a Visiting Professor at MIT. Previously, Desheng was offered the Senseable City Consortium Postdoctoral Fellowship from MIT, and awarded his Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Minnesota.

Desheng is interested in bridging Cyber Physical Systems, Cyber Human Systems, Data Science and Machine Learning in Extreme-Scale Data-Intensive Urban Infrastructure from an Interdisciplinary perspective with extensive applications from transportation, to communication, and sharing economy. He is focused on the life cycle of data-driven systems, from mobile sensing, to cross-domain data fusion and prediction, decision making, visual data analytics, system optimization and deployment. He strategically positions his research on Real-Time Interactions of Cross-Domain Urban Platforms and their human users, i.e., on-demand delivery (e.g., UberEat, Doordash, Instacart) transportation (e.g., taxis, buses, trucks, subways, bikes, personal & electric vehicles), telecommunication (e.g., cellphones), payment (e.g., smartcards), social networks (e.g., check-in and app logs). He has been investigating platforms across 8 cities on 3 continents with 100 thousand app users, 500 thousand vehicles, 10 million phones, 16 million smartcards, and 100 million residents involved.

His technical contributions have led to more than 100 papers in premium CS venues, e.g., IMWUT/UbiComp, MobiCom, SIGCOMM, KDD, SenSys, NSDI, ICDE, SIGSPATIAL, IPSN, ICCPS, BigData, RTSS, ICDCS. Desheng has been honored with 8 best paper/thesis/poster awards.

During his free time, Desheng likes to travel. Here is a road map about cities he has been visited so far in US.
During his free time, Desheng also likes to read non-fiction books. Here is a List of Six Recommended Books for 2020.