Theodora Chaspari
University of Colorado Boulder
Theodora Chaspari

Theodora Chaspari is an Associate Professor in Computer Science and the Institute of Cognitive Science at University of Colorado Boulder. She has received a B.S. (2010) in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece and M.S. (2012) and Ph.D. (2017) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California (USC). She was a Research Assistant at the Signal Analysis and Interpretation Laboratory at USC (2010-2017) and an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University (2017-2023). Theodora’s research interests lie in human-centered machine learning, affective computing, and biomedical health informatics. She is a recipient of the TEES Dean of Engineering Excellence Award (2022), NSF CAREER Award (2021), and USC Women in Science and Engineering Merit Fellowship (2015). Papers co-authored with her students have been nominated and won awards at the ACM BuildSys 2019, IEEE ACII 2019, ASCE i3CE 2019, and IEEE BSN 2018 conferences. She is serving as an Editor of the Elsevier Computer Speech & Language. Her work is supported by federal and private funding sources, including the NSF, NIH, NASA, IARPA, AFOSR, General Motors, and the Engineering Information Foundation.
