Michael Dorneich
Iowa State University
Michael Dorneich

I am a Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Iowa State University. I am a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Graduate Program. I have a courtesy appointment in Aerospace Engineering.

My research interests focus on creating joint human-machine systems that enable people to be effective in the complex and often stressful environments found in aviation, military, robotic, and space applications. I specialize in adaptive systems which can provide assistance tailored to the user’s current cognitive state, situation, and environment. Adaptive systems are becoming more necessary as intelligent assistants are spreading into every aspect of work, education, and home life. My recent work explores the dual costs and benefits of adaptive systems, and develops approaches to mitigate shortcomings, leverage human strengths, and augment human performance when human capacity falls short of the demands of complex operational environments.

Specific research and application areas include human factors, cognitive engineering, adaptive automation and adaptive interfaces, distributed systems, interactive learning environments, and decision-support systems.

I direct the Adaptive Cognitive Systems Lab and work with a dedicated set of students.

I am currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of IEEE Transactions of Human-Machine Systems.

Prior to joining the faculty of IMSE, I worked at Honeywell Laboratories in the Human-Centered Systems group from 1999-2012 researching adaptive system design and human factors in a variety of domains.
