Mini-Workshop: Science Communication and Storytelling

Goal: The goal of this workshop is to help researchers communicate scientific content in a clear and engaging way that’s accessible to non-academic audiences.
Organizer/Moderator: Sharon (Xuan) Di


  • Katie Liesener (Brown University)
  • Andrew Margenot (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign)
  • Dan Work (Vanderbilt University)
  • Sharon Di (Columbia University)

Program Format:

1. Why Clear Communication Matters (10min): 2 PIs share their personal experiences (Andrew -> Sharon), followed by an online poll

2. Skills for Clear Communication with General Audiences (35min):
     •    Lay language
     •    Sensory Detail
     •    Personal Narrative

3. Exercise (15min): Attendees use clear communication skills to create brief elevator pitches for their projects.

4. Q&A (15min)

5. Further Applications (5min): Dan Work for SCCVO