NSF S&CC Projects

NSF funds a variety of projects in and related to smart and connected communities.

Primary Award Mechanisms:

Integrative Research Grants: full awards of ~$1M-$2.5M for up to four years to support fundamental integrative research that addresses technological and social science dimensions of smart and connected communities and pilots solutions together with communities.
Planning Grants: awards of ~$150K for 1 year to facilitate capacity building and prepare project teams to propose future well-developed IRG proposals.

Other Award Mechanisms:

EAGER: awards for exploratory work on early stage or untested research concepts or approaches with potentially transformative outcomes ("high risk, high payoff")
RAPID: awards for proposals having a severe urgency with regard to availability of, or access to data, facilities or specialized equipment, including quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic disasters and similar unanticipated events
Other: awards such as workshops, conferences, etc.

For details about these award types, please refer to the S&CC solicitation.

Advanced Search

Modernizing Cities via Smart Garden Alleys with Application in Makassar City
10/01/2022 – 12/31/2024
Lead PI: Wangda Zuo
Award Type: EAGER
Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University
Distributed Data-Sharing for Fast Response and Decision Support
07/15/2020 – 06/30/2024
Lead PI: N. Rich Nguyen
Award Type: EAGER
Affiliation: University of Virginia
Crowd-AI Sensing Based Traffic Analysis for Ho Chi Minh City Planning Simulation
08/01/2020 – 07/31/2024
Lead PI: Tam Nguyen
Award Type: EAGER
Affiliation: University of Dayton
Sustainable Energy Bike Lanes with Applications in the City of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
06/15/2020 – 07/31/2024
Award Type: EAGER
Affiliation: Prairie View A & M University
Understanding Heat Resiliency via Physiological, Mental, and Behavioral Health Factors for Indoor and Outdoor Urban Environments
06/01/2020 – 05/31/2022
Lead PI: Suren Jayasuriya
Award Type: Planning Grant, International
Affiliation: Arizona State University
Privacy-enhanced data-driven health monitoring for smart and connected senior communities
10/01/2020 – 09/30/2022
Lead PI: Li Xiong
Award Type: Planning Grant, International
Affiliation: Emory University
Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Emergency Response and Disaster Management
07/01/2020 – 06/30/2022
Lead PI: Shu-Ching Chen
Award Type: Planning Grant, International
Affiliation: University of Missouri-Kansas City
Green Mobility for Aging Society
07/01/2020 – 06/30/2021
Lead PI: Miguel Perez
Award Type: Planning Grant, International
Affiliation: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bridging the Digital Gap and Identifying Cross-Cultural Pathways for Adoption of IoT Technologies to Support Super-Aging Societies in the U.S. and Japan
05/15/2020 – 04/30/2022
Lead PI: Anupam Joshi
Award Type: Planning Grant, International
Affiliation: University of Maryland Baltimore County
Active sensing and personalized interventions for pandemic-induced social isolation
10/01/2021 – 09/30/2024
Lead PI: Insup Lee
Award Type: Integrative Research Grant
Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania
Hyperlocal Risk Monitoring and Pandemic Preparedness through Privacy-Enhanced Mobility and Social Interactions Analysis
10/01/2021 – 09/30/2024
Lead PI: Li Xiong
Award Type: Integrative Research Grant
Affiliation: Emory University
PanCommunity: Leveraging Data and Models for Understanding and Improving Community Response in Pandemics
10/01/2021 – 09/30/2024
Lead PI: K. Selcuk Candan
Award Type: Integrative Research Grant
Affiliation: Arizona State University
Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Effective COVID-19, Pandemics and Compound Disaster Response and Management
10/01/2021 – 09/30/2024
Lead PI: Shu-Ching Chen
Award Type: Integrative Research Grant
Affiliation: University of Missouri-Kansas City