PANEL: Citizen Science and Public Engagement in S&CC

1.    Barnali Dixon (University of South Florida)
2.    Christopher Neill Woodwell Climate Research Center
3.    Pradeep Kurup (University of Massachusetts, Lowell
4.    Andrew Margenot (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

Program Format:
1h 15 min total for session:
1.    5 min overview
2.    20 min: 5 min lightening talks by 4 project teams, including ours, in different application domains.              a.    Citizen science component/element and how it supports their broader goal. 
       b.    Diverse areas 
3.    45 min cohort: - now shift out of the plenary into 4 corners. 
       a.    workshop or breakout
       b.    each of the 4 presenters lead a breakout session.  
4.    5 min wrap up.