
We are pleased to announce that the National Science Foundation’s 2024 Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) Principal Investigators’ Meeting will include two important opportunities for PIs and Community members to create media for the S&CC VO site.

1. PI Project Video Filming

As we did at the 2022 S&CC PI Meeting, the organizers for the 2024 S&CC PI Meeting will again be setting up a filming station to record short videos for the projects being represented. We request that each project make a short marketing video, between 1 – 3 minutes in length.

Each video will more or less be designed to answer the following questions without much deviation. It helps for editing and coherence of the video to repeat back the question in your answer. I.e. “An exiting technical breakthrough from our project thus far is that...”:

  • Name, Title, University, Project Title 
    • “My name is _____, I am a _____ at _______, and the title of my project is ______”
  • In 15 seconds or less,  
    • What is the scope and potential impact of your project?
  • In 30 seconds or less
    • What is your project hoping to accomplish? What difference will it make for a member of your community?
  • In 30 seconds or less, answer at least two of the three questions below:
    • What technical breakthrough from your project is most exciting? And/or - Why was this a technically interesting project?
    • What research is unique to your project, that makes this impact possible?
    • What is something surprising that has come up so far in the findings or impact of your project?
    • (Individually tailored question) What is the intellectual merit of making X decision?
  • Other
    • What else would you like to add? 

Filming will take place on both Day 1 and Day 2 of the conference. The location will be the lower level of the SLC in Rooms 1&2, one floor below where the plenary is to take place. Stay tuned for announcement timing and further information. 

*** Participation in filming assumes consent for usage of the material on the S&CC VO and by the National Science Foundation for promotional use.

2. Headshots

The Vanderbilt University Student Life Center is fortunate to have a self-service professional photo booth that we encourage all attendees to utilize to create updated headshots for their S&CC profile pages on the S&CC VO website.

The booth is located around the corner from the plenary space. Directions to the photo booth will be posted up outside of the plenary space, or feel free to ask any of the organizers for directions. 

For the S&CC PI meeting specifically, we ask that individuals forward your favorite headshot to one of our team members to update your profile pages, or feel free to update your profiles yourself upon logging in to the website. 


photo booth

*** Above is an actual photo of the booth, so that you may identify it in the SLC Lobby area.