Connected Communities
The Smart & Connected Communities Virtual Organization is part of a family of connected communities. The communities are supported by the National Science Foundation Virtual Organization Infrastructure (VOI).
Virtual Communities

Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization (CPS-VO)
The objective of the National Science Foundation established CPS Virtual Organization (CPS-VO) is to actively support the formation of a multidisciplinary community and to facilitate broadly based collaboration on CPS. It is evolving from a shared information repository into a destination for active collaboration, simulation, hands-on education, and demonstration.
DARPA Assured Autonomy Tools Portal (DARPA AA-VO)
The Assured Autonomy portal hosts Design Studios and Toolchains for experimenting with Learning-enabled Cyber Physical Systems (LE-CPSs). The portal is community accessible, provides capabilities for developers of AI-based systems, as well as provides open interfaces for researchers and developers of AI V&V tools to integrate tools into the design studios.
Science of Security Virtual Organization (SoS-VO)
The Science of Security Virtual Organization was established to provide a focal point for information about ongoing activities related to cybersecurity science and as a repository for significant research results. It emphasizes community development, information sharing, and interaction among researchers in the field.
Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Community Forum
The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Community Forum (or "SaTC Forum") is designed for users to have information about the research supported by the SaTC program at their fingertips for quickly accessing current and historical information about SaTC activities, research, reports, data, solicitations, and other information.