S&CC PI Meeting 2024
We fully enjoyed our time at the Smart and Connected Communities Principal Investigators' Meeting (S&CC PI Meeting '24). The meeting was be held February 28th & 29th in Nashville, Tennessee. The meeting opened with a keynote presentation from Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell. On Thursday there will be a keynote presentation from Dr. Hamed Tabkhi (UNC Charlotte).
Visit the S&CC PI Meeting 2024 Site
The Smart and Connected Communities Principal Investigators' Meeting (S&CC PI Meeting '24) was scheduled for Wednesday, February 28th & Thursday, February 29th (meeting days) with an arrival day of Tuesday, February 27th in Nashville, Tennessee at Vanderbilt University's Student Life Center located at 310 25th Ave. South, Nashville, TN 37212.
Meeting Registration is now closed.
PIs, project alternates for PIs, Co-PIs, and other project representatives comprising the invited project limit per award type can register here. Project representatives interested in attending who are in addition to the invited limit can join the wait list here. Codes for both registration forms and information about the invited limits are included in the invitation letter sent to project PIs. For more detailed information about meeting registration, hotel reservations, and project preparation, please visit here.
NSF's Smart & Connected Communities effort aims to advance understanding of our cities and communities to improve their functioning and quality of life within them through innovations in computing, engineering, information and physical sciences, social, and learning sciences. NSF envisions that the work of researchers across a wide range of academic disciplines, in close collaboration with diverse community stakeholders, will together transform advances in areas such as economic development, education and learning, energy, environmental quality, public health and wellness, public safety, social services, telecommunications, transportation, and many others. By addressing current and future challenges through fundamental research, building capacity for research, and transiting research to practice, these efforts seek to improve the quality of life in communities while protecting individual security and privacy.

S&CC PI Meeting 2024
We fully enjoyed our time at The Smart and Connected Communities Principal Investigators' Meeting. The meeting was held February 28th & 29th in Nashville, Tennessee. The meeting opened with a keynote presentation from Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell. There was a keynote presentation from Dr. Hamed Tabkhi (UNC Charlotte) on Thursday morning.